Pilot Programme Ireland

Framework is inspired by the AIA Design Assistance programme managed by the Centre for Communities by Design in Washington DC.

The Design Assistance programme is managed by the AIA Centre for Communities by Design in Washington DC. Joel Mills, Director of the Centre, was an invited speaker at the PIVOT Dublin Hidden Rooms event hosted by Dublin City Council in November 2014 under the theme of ‘The Empowered City – enabling people to activate neighbourhoods’. His story encouraged DCC and participants to think about how the programme could be used to benefit communities in Dublin and Ireland.

We took the conversation further.

Joel Mills and AIA colleagues Erin Simmons and Todd Scott visited Dublin in June 2015 to explain the Design Assistance process in more detail. They held a training workshop for interested design practitioners in the ARK and gave a public talk at the Science Gallery.

Framework was developed to give the Dublin based Design Assistance programme a distinct identity and communication platform. The website went live in April 2016.

Dublin Town responded to our call for a community pilot partner in September 2016. Under the project title, Reimigine Dublin One, the pilot was developed in collaboration between Dublin City Architects, The American Institute of Architects and a diverse community stakeholder group led by Dublin Town. A key project milestone was the public design workshop held on the 10th to 13th March 2017 and the Reimagine One Design Report and Design Recommendations. The community stakeholder group, led by Dublin Town, is working with Dublin City Council to assess the recommendations and produce an implementation plan.

You can access the March 2017 Reimagine Dublin One Report and Design Recommendations here.

You can access the 2015 training and public presentations here:

Workshop Part 1 – Overview Public Participation

Workshop Part 2 – The Design Assistance Model

Workshop Part 3 – Successful Implementation in Communities

Science Gallery Presentation